
Production Workflow

In HKUST, MOOCs are offered through Coursera and edX (HKUSTx) while blended courses are delivered through Canvas. The diagram below illustrates the production workflow of a typical MOOC and blended course supported by MTPC. It may vary according to the production approach and requirements of the course. The whole production process will be around 2 – 4 months depending on the scale of the production. (Exclude the time for designing the course for online delivery)

Comparing MOOC and Blended Learning Production

Production MOOCs Blended Learning
Duration of video content Full course: 6 – 12 Weeks Flexible. Recommend few weeks to start off
Delivery mode 100% online Online and face-to-face
Delivery platform Coursera, edX (HKUSTx) Canvas, etc
Learning materials referred in videos Open contents accessible online Same as in face-to-face class
Copyright clearance Copyrighted materials should be 100% cleared Use of copyrighted materials to a certain extend is covered by fair dealing in Hong Kong
Target audience Learners all over the world with different demographic and cultural background HKUST students
Video production Specifically produced for the MOOC delivery. More elaborate as it represents the HKUST brand. Video can be produced using:
  • Edited RVC or lecture videos
  • Edited MOOC videos
  • Screen recording using Office Mix or Camtasia
  • Studio recording with simple setups
Promo video Required Not necessary
Subtitling Required  (at least English) Not necessary
Enhancement for PPT and infographics Necessary Optional

Some Suggestions

  • The length of videos is not necessarily equal to the duration of lecture. Lecture contents should be reorganized and chunked into videos within 8 – 12 minutes
  • Video content should be designed as learning object that can be reused or repurposed. Contents that require frequent updates are less suitable for video production.
  • Avoid a whole day studio shooting as it will be too exhausting for instructor. Half day is more advisable
  • Start small for your blended course – once you get the hang of it you can be more ambitious
  • Keep things visual – that’s the whole point of video content