Copyright Clearance

Although uploading a reasonable amount of copyright works on the intranet for the purpose of teaching and learning may be considered as fair dealing, inclusion of copyright works in video lectures should always be avoided, unless prior agreement from copyright owners has been obtained.

Avoid the following in course videos:

  • Scanned or photo captured images from books, newspapers or journals
  • Images, graphics and documents downloaded from the internet
  • Movie clips, trailers and video footage from TV programs
  • Licensed music and songs

Copyright Clearance

Checklist of preliminary questions

MTPC will help identify copyrighted materials in the course content and clear the copyright through:

  • Identifying and obtaining permission from copyright owners -- note that this is not always successful
  • Negotiating and paying the license fee such as for stock images and video footage
  • Proposing and replacing licensed materials with open content, including Creative Commons-licensed materials